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Elftown Front Page Art Contest!


Deadline: 01 May, 2005

Winner: Elftown's Front Page Art Contest

<news:[ET Front Page Art Contest!@wiki] Winner!>

By [Dr.No]

All submissions:
ET Front, page 1
ET Front, page 2
ET Front, page 3
ET Front, page 4


Thank you to all that contributed!


ET Front, page 1


Note: The artwork must be 100% your own - no collages of images that don't belong to you! Make sure it's:

800px width X 592px height and less than 100 KB in filesize or it will be removed.

How to post your entry:

Add your entry after the previous one with separating lines. Don't forget to write your user name and the piece's title! For Example:

1. "Title"-[insert user name]
<img500:the URL of your entry>

1."Sadness happens" [frogster]
[Removed by Contest Moderator for illegal Content: Amy Brown Fairy Photomanipulation]

2. "More Than Meets The Eye" [davis van]

3. ''Moon Rise Over ElfTown'' [Beneath The Howling Stars6664]

4. "Plain and simple"-[Erestor]
I thought a good simple one would be a change.

5. "The Two Moon Fantasy" - [Wes Foxx] & [raynesprite]
Drawn by [Wes Foxx] and colored by [raynesprite]; a fairy sillouetted against a double-moonrise

6. "Blurr Nature" - [Penguinlord]

7. "Fairy Light" - [swabloo]

8. "Dark Angel" - [Master Fio]

9. "Guardian of the Lake" - [DarkJenni]

10. "greenelftownthing" - [deadmanred92]

11. 'Wintered flower' by [Carol Lynn]

12. 'Drowning in elfyness' by [Carol Lynn]

13. "PixiePond" by:[Daisy le Fleur]

14. "Turkey Town!" by:[Sagacious Turkey]

15. "There is that perfect lagoon, somewhere" by: [Aradon Templar]

Back to Et Front Page Art Contest!
Back to ET Front, page 2

Username (or number or email):


2005-03-27 [Carol Lynn]: I was rather shy to enter first. I had to resize the image because it was far to big. ^.^ But there I entered *blush*

2005-03-27 [raven1777]: ooo i like that one tomb

2005-03-27 [Rennie]: Everyone make sure you read the rules, and the Uploading Art Rules before you enter this contest! If you do not personally own the image, NO you cannot use it!

2005-03-27 [Carol Lynn]: Thank you [raven1777] ^.^ I like that one by [frogster] such a pretty image, it's a pitty that it's so blurry thoe...

2005-03-27 [frogster]: I tried to fix it a bit.. I will work on it some more... everyone on here is soooo very talented. I feel foolish trying, but it is so much fun.... *smiles* thank you for the constructive criticism

2005-03-27 [Kyotaki]: do i upload this thing!!!???!!!!

2005-03-27 [Kyotaki]: kmi1 

2005-03-27 [Erestor]: Nice entries

2005-03-27 [pixish]: I see Brian Froud fairies up there... I know cause I was just reading the 'Fairies' book - [Carol Lynn]'s entry - nice presentation though

2005-03-27 [davis van]: Hey there everyone...I hope my image is good enough, seems a little kiddie though...

2005-03-27 [Nita]: Um, dear artists, why do you make them 500px in width? That's too small :P

2005-03-27 [Janouk]: lol ^^

2005-03-27 [May-lea]: I wish I had my computer. I'll have hard time producing anything without it...

2005-03-27 [Rennie]: [Carol Lynn] your entry has been removed for not following the Rules of the contest. Please read them before re-entering.

2005-03-27 [Carol Lynn]: The image was created and done by me from scatch from photoshop brush's includeing the faries wich were brush's, Is there something wrong with the fairy brush's being put in? I can just remove them than anyways...

2005-03-27 [Carol Lynn]: Might as well just remove the fairies, the flowers and books lokk just fine on there own ^.^ That was no trouble caused than.

2005-03-27 [Rennie]: do me a favor [Carol Lynn]...send me the .abr file for the brush so I can see it myself please. :)

2005-03-27 [Sunrose]: I gave [Beneath The Howling Stars6664] wiki-uploading-privs so he can upload the image in actual size ;)

2005-03-27 [NotMeantToBe]: I really like that one..

2005-03-27 [Erestor]: Okay /// my entry is so tacky! :( Poor me.

2005-03-27 [Beneath The Howling Stars6664]: ummm y was it put bak to teh lil crappy one ?

2005-03-27 [Erestor]: It's not I changed it too the size the thumbnail needs to be, like mine, just click it and it'll be full sized

2005-03-27 [Beneath The Howling Stars6664]: ooooh cool =)

2005-03-27 [Rennie]: Please do not show your entries off in the comments just makes things messy. Thanks :)

2005-03-27 [Beneath The Howling Stars6664]: oki doki sorry

2005-03-27 [Carol Lynn]: Yes there I sent you the abr file [Rennie] ^.^

2005-03-27 [swabloo]: ... what do you think of mine?

2005-03-28 [Nita]: Well, the dimensions are wrong...

2005-03-28 [Master Fio]: what should I do for my second entry i wonder. I wish I could draw then i could make something good. not that my beautiful best friend isnt good but I wish i could draw well

2005-03-28 [davis van]: oh the reason why my image isnt as big is b/c i uploaded it to Elftown and it made it smaller

2005-03-28 [NotMeantToBe]: I like 3 & 5 best

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: I like 3 & 5 too

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: How do I enter myown? please tell me...

2005-03-28 [Wes Foxx]: "Guardian of the Lake" is amazing... but its the wrong direction so its inelligable...

2005-03-28 [Rennie]: No. It is perfectly fine. There is no "direction" outside of fantasy work. Please do not tell people what they can or cannot do if you cannot bother to read the rules first.

2005-03-28 [Charybdis]: I think he may have meant 'direction' as in landscape vs. portrait. (?)

2005-03-28 [Wes Foxx]: duh Oo

2005-03-28 [Carol Lynn]: There, no fairy's, just the flowers and trees I notice how people like it so I decided to enter it. I think I will put the other one in to, just without the faries they were actually an add on from the original because it didn't look elftowny enough...anyways...

2005-03-28 [Estantia]: i like the second from you tomb

2005-03-28 [Carol Lynn]: thank you ^.^

2005-03-28 [Carol Lynn]: And I think they are followign the rules this time, correct me if i'm wrong because I was wrong last time...

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: meh they are all good, except no.10 ^^

2005-03-28 [swabloo]: OMG i just realised something- my first entry is on number 7, which is my favourite number O.o

2005-03-28 [Wes Foxx]: wow, that new one is excellent Oo

2005-03-28 [Daisy le Fleur]: Thanks! I don't know why it's so fuzzy though. *frowns*

2005-03-28 [davis van]: I really like both og [Carol Lynn]'s they're real nice and elegant

2005-03-28 [Sagacious Turkey]: mine sucks and it's not the right size... oh well!

2005-03-28 [Wes Foxx]: i dunno it looks good for somethig that seems alot like a joke entry

2005-03-28 [Aradon Templar]: Meh, does a border from Jasc on my image disqualify under the '100% your own' think? I didnt' design the border, just added it via Jasc Paintshop.

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: i like urs bad turkey its different and kool

2005-03-28 [davis van]: Ooh I made my second entry...Very glowy ^_^ But I uploaded it to my house and it shrunk and ruined the quality a little bit :( Is there anyway I can upload directly to the page?

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: mines goin up in a minute....its an old pic with a new

2005-03-29 [Aradon Templar]: Kind of, Dark_Kite. You can upload most pictures at . From there, copy the url for the full sized picture. Then, just rescale it here, with the code at the top, and you get the resized version with a link to the full, undistorted image :)

2005-03-29 [Carol Lynn]: [Sagacious Turkey] yours is really cute ^.^ and definatly diffrent to and thanks [davis van] ^.^ and I really like yours to allot one of my favs so far.

2005-03-29 [Sagacious Turkey]: cute?! even the ugly one named [Mortified Penguin]?!

2005-03-29 [Aradon Templar]: I like your second one better, Tomb, though imo, it seems a bit cluttered. But still, it'd make a nice opening page :)

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: can the entry be skinnier than the 800?

2005-03-29 [Carol Lynn]: thank you [Aradon Templar] and yeah I agree it is cluttered but I think the little touch of colour pulls it through nicely ^.^

2005-03-29 [Carol Lynn]: Well [Sagacious Turkey] I hardy think that it's dark

2005-03-29 [Aradon Templar]: True, the color does take the edge off of the business. What did you use to make your picture? Did you have to hand draw those pieces?

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: well, Im ebtering it skinnier, if Im not allowed, you can remove it...=)

2005-03-29 [Sagacious Turkey]: I used Paint... which is kinda obvious... cause it sucks...

2005-03-29 [Carol Lynn]: My sister dose some graphic designs she took it (something like it) in uni so she helps. There from photo's

2005-03-29 [Aradon Templar]: You use PSP, Tomb?

2005-03-29 [Aradon Templar]: Ah, Photoshop. Nvm :P

2005-03-29 [Carol Lynn]: And [Sagacious Turkey] if you don't like your own peice, why enter?

2005-03-29 [Carol Lynn]: Yep photoshop...very handy it took me forever to learn things ha ha if you have ever see the book that comes with photoshop seven it's like 3 inchs thick ha ha

2005-03-29 [Sagacious Turkey]: free badge!

2005-03-29 [Aradon Templar]: Wow, must be a nice program... Was it expensive?

2005-03-29 [Carol Lynn]: I'm not sure if my sister bought it or downlaoded it...but if she bought it and i think she did because I think i rember the actual disc...than ohh yes verrrrry. stupid priceing i think, but it's a proffesional program right?

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: I love it....I am getting 8 this week! So excited!

2005-03-29 [Aradon Templar]: True. I'm expecting the second version of the program I'm using to be around $300... Of course, its got a free download thats nearly as good ^^

2005-03-29 [Carol Lynn]: I can't belive the prices of things you can just put onto your computer, I think there should be the professional programs than like consumer programs to...anyways ha ha I hope to see that photoshop 8 too and try it out.

2005-03-29 [Wes Foxx]: < did the rule about it having to be horizontal not verticle change? im seeing alot of these

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: eep, dunno...Ill see if I can make mine more horizontal....=/

2005-03-29 [DarkJenni]: yeah, i need to make another one horizontal...i tried to do it with mine, but it looked like crap.

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: mine did too...and still does compared I think....but ah well, like i said, it was an older pic i thought would fit well.....=)

2005-03-29 [Wes Foxx]: oh i dunno, the way the finger points to the center of the O is rather cool

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: Thanks!!

2005-03-29 [swabloo]: my dad has his own graphics design company so he's always getting the best photoshop :Þ

2005-03-29 [toycar]: eh, i have photoshop 6.0...and i find it as good as any other... sept brushes can be a tad annoying.... and...FINALLY... an idea... been working on it all afternoon :D this is going to take me a few days to finish though >.<

2005-03-29 [swabloo]: i agree about the brushes>.< I was doing a picture, and i used a brush, it worked, and then i used the same thing half an hour later, and it wouldn't work!!!!! And yeah you kinda need an idea too, or insparation..... good look with your picture :D

2005-03-29 [toycar]: actually. im thinking i might get it up here tonight... just a few things left to add... o.o

2005-03-29 [davis van]: thanks templar

2005-03-29 [toycar]: ok... im going to upload mine somewhere else... the detail was killed...didnt think it would shrink that much. How is it that some of you have uploaded yours to a wiki?

2005-03-29 [swabloo]: wow ToyCar-, that's good

2005-03-29 [toycar]: thankee >.< trying to learn how to do backgrounds... i usually stick to faces... got to get out of that habit.

2005-03-29 [davis van]: try using thats what [Aradon Templar] told me to use and it works a lot better than elftown...A LOT (p.s. I like yours ToyCar!)

2005-03-29 [toycar]: oh thanks for the site :) i might upload it to my scaps on deviantart and see how that turns out as well....

2005-03-29 [toycar]: actually... i dont think DA lets you..put images elsewhere... ok... guess ill be using the site you gave me then :D

2005-03-29 [davis van]: ^^

2005-03-29 [davis van]: ooh now I like yours even more

2005-03-29 [toycar]: *gives you candy* hehe thanks. i couldnt think of a name... hence the reason why i called it...that.

2005-03-29 [davis van]: lol

2005-03-29 [Jeccabee]: awesome entry toycar! Beautiful!

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: You always have the BEST noses, it!

2005-03-29 [Erestor]: Toycar, dA doesn't like people linking from thier site because they say it increases art thieves.

2005-03-29 [spiritee]: yar~ oo i love imageshack. it doesn't shrink things like photobucket

2005-03-29 [Janouk]: Ooh [Images], a real Elven home ^__^ *dreams*

2005-03-29 [Images]: Ok :) So I'm using the same art I used in another ET contest. I thought it fit in well in this contest. :D

2005-03-29 [spiritee]: omgosh, that house in the back *wants it badly*

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: Great entry Images!!!

2005-03-29 [iippo]: Would anyone happen to know the RGB-values of ET-greens? (both wiki and house)? Just like the top of your head or written down somewhere? I want to ask before I go through the trouble of searching and finding out.

2005-03-29 [spiritee]: usually i just take a screenshot and eyedrop the colors in photoshop or paint

2005-03-29 [chelekat]: you could screenshot if you wanted to, but...I think for the light green it's R: 222 G:251 B: 222

2005-03-29 [iippo]: Those are all "going through the trouble" :P I just wanted to ask in case someone knew. Thanks Chicken for that.

2005-03-29 [spiritee]: haha doesn't take that long does it ^__^

2005-03-29 [iippo]: Well.... it does if you are me. And lazy. And also doing other stuff at the same time... :P

2005-03-29 [Images]: Thanks [prisoner#81378] :)

2005-03-29 [prisoner#81378]: welcome!!

2005-03-29 [chelekat]: You're welcome, was no problem, I have the colors saved on my comp...the dark green for the description is R: 173 G: 207 B: 165 just for FYI...

2005-03-29 [Erestor]: [Images] that is amzing but I think it should have a the word "Elftown" on somewhere; it does look really cool though.

2005-03-29 [davis van]: oooh! that house in [Images] is so cool! That would be awesome to live in!

2005-03-29 [alu]: I have another entry to enter...I drew them bymyself -is proud- lol

2005-03-30 [akhirah]: woah!! nice 1 [Images]

2005-03-30 [Sagacious Turkey]: there should be a mainstreet poll to decide the winner... mainly cause I want to know if anyone would vote for mine...

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: Actually, this contest will be decided by the Crew and Assembly.

2005-03-30 [Sagacious Turkey]: yes, I know... I just want to see if people vote for me...

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: I think you are will *NOT* see or know who, if anyone, votes for you.

2005-03-30 [Sagacious Turkey]: nooooo... I think you are misunderstanding... I know I'm not... I was saying I wanted to...

2005-03-30 [frogster]: I think she is just trying to set the rules for the comp... no need to sound snarky... lol.

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: [Sagacious Turkey], master of technicality.

2005-03-30 [Sagacious Turkey]: yes? you called?

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: owch. i think i cracked a rib laughing. e_e

2005-03-30 [Sagacious Turkey]: uh huh... riiiiight...

2005-03-30 [DarkJenni]: [alu], isn't that Amy Browns???

2005-03-30 [Images]: [Erestor] Actually the original has '' across the front. I left that layer out when I made a jpg copy. I could stick it back in I guess :)

2005-03-30 [Images]: The larger building is supposed to be the Elftown Council Hall [davis van] . The little one on the left is supposed to be Mayor Hedda's shack. Since he works for 0 pay here, I had to foot the bill for it ... and that's all I could afford ;)

2005-03-30 [Images]: Thank you [akhirah] :)

2005-03-30 [Dil*]: oh damnit..mine is 250kb...ugh..brb.

2005-03-30 [Dil*]: ummm, how can we compress it without killing it?

2005-03-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: G'luck on that one... I hope mine is good enough.

2005-03-30 [Erestor]: [Images] sounds good.

2005-03-30 [toycar]: [Images] that is awesome. I checked out the detail in her dress at your house....... o.o

2005-03-30 [FaST2HaMMeR]: :P

2005-03-30 [prisoner#81378]: great entries fast2hammer!!!

2005-03-30 [Dil*]: ..;_; my image is too big, does anyone know how to slim down the kb?

2005-03-30 [Janouk]: No, sorry!// [Fingon] did you draw that?

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: will someone PLEASE put up a warning in the rules that these are supposed to be 800 wide instead of tall? i dont really want to see an awesome entry either made to automatically be inelligable or have to be turned sideways on the login screen ><

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: [Fingon]: your image has been removed. Please contact me as soon as possible.

2005-03-30 [Daisy le Fleur]: I was about to say...Man!! That one by Fingon is AWESOME!! I have a picture entered myself, but I would've voted for that one instead!! Goodness, it was nice.

2005-03-30 [Sunrose]: Uhm the image is still there, as well as on his house >.>

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: workin on it sun.

2005-03-30 [Janouk]: [Mom]'s editing the page, that's probably why ^^

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: *nodnod*

2005-03-30 [prisoner#81378]: where is the image taken from?

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: what the? someone plz fix this who knows how ><

2005-03-30 [Rennie]:

Entries #16-28 have been moved to the second wiki page. This one was getting too big ^_^

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: ah, alright.

2005-03-30 [Ocean Soul]: maybe it´s obvious, but.. eh - what was wrong with [Fingon]'s entry?

2005-03-30 [prisoner#81378]: I think it was a copyrighted image? is that right?

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: *nods*

2005-03-30 [Perplexity]: I sure didnt believe that was his own work.

2005-03-30 [Ocean Soul]: Mmh, that is so sad.. :/

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: Let's hope this is an example for other people not to use copywritten work when a guard is the person running this

2005-03-30 [prisoner#81378]: LOL.....where did it come from?

2005-03-30 [Aradon Templar]: Bah. I just realized, my pic's over the 100KB size restriction. Any ideas on how to cut it down?

2005-03-30 [Ocean Soul]: save in lower quality.. that cuts the size down and screws the quality up.. great hu ;)

2005-03-30 [organicparadox]: i specialize in lossy compression (jpeg, gif, png, etc) if you can't sem to get the quality you want in your "ramp down", message me and i'll help ya out.

2005-03-30 [Aradon Templar]: Er, I resized it to be slightly smaller, but now I can't update my entry :/ Could someone please restore the editing option so I can fix my entry?

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: send me the edited copy and I will upload it for you :)

2005-03-31 [Aradon Templar]: Thanks :) It is alright if the image is smaller, yes?

2005-04-05 [peura]: Erinbabe, I hope that "copywritten" in your comment a few days ago was only a typo... I mean, since you're a guard you should know how to spell "copyrighted" :-) And btw, the wiki page link you provided in the same comment is missing an "s" ;-)

2005-04-05 [Mom]: [peura]...I might be wrong but as a fellow guard and just manners you could have messaged [Rennie] that last statement.It might just be me.

2005-04-05 [Rennie]: I agree with [Mom]. I appreciate your grammar-nazi tendencies, but don't do it here, kay?

2005-04-05 [Daisy le Fleur]: "Grammar Nazi tendencies" LOL that is hilarious!!!

2005-04-05 [iippo]: O'o It is a commonly-used term, 'grammar nazi/grammar whore'... ^'^;; *is one*

2005-04-05 [Nita]: Gah! What's wrong with you, people? It was just a friendly correction, as far as I can see :/ Cultural differences, I guess :P

2005-04-05 [Rennie]: neh...pms day...>.O

2005-04-05 [Mom]: You don't correct people do it in private out of resect for the other persons feelings.

2005-04-05 [Perplexity]: Feeeeeeelings - WHOA WHOA WHOA feeeeeeeeeeeelings *runs out of the room before people can hit her*

2005-04-05 [Mom]: *hits Plex with her shoe* Rotten

2005-04-05 [iippo]: XD

2005-04-05 [Daisy le Fleur]: LOL..Encore...encore

2005-04-06 [Images]: Corecting sum one coms acros more freindely wen you dont allso preech to poeple aobut wut they shoold or shoudn't know ;) You should all know that :D

2005-04-06 [Mom]: Forgive me if I am preachy...I am truely sorry.I get over protective sometimes.

2005-04-06 [Rennie]: *hugs Mom* well...I certainly appreciate it. :)

2005-04-06 [Images]: I didn't mean you [Mom] :)

2005-04-12 [Chris Crawford]: i want to enter but don't know how

2005-04-12 [prisoner#81378]: ask [Rennie] personally?

2005-04-12 [toycar]: ...well, you could go to the top of the page first, and read it...or re read it, then you could ask [Rennie] personally.... >.<

2005-04-12 [Rennie]: good suggestion ;) read all the rules first, then if you have any more questions...come ask me :)

2005-04-16 [Neko the Kitty]: oooo i like caleb's!(maybe it's also cause he's my friend)

2005-04-17 [pixish]: umm - it is like the first thing that is written at the top :-S

2005-04-17 [sunpat]: woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

2005-04-17 [Aradon Templar]: hehe... "How to post your entry", in big H2 letters... XD

2005-04-17 [Wes Foxx]: h1 is bigger =X

2005-04-18 [toycar]: then, there is one that is huge.......... *subliminal message...*

2005-04-18 [Aradon Templar]: No kidding, but banned on pretty much every wiki for being obnoxious... I don't think the council or guards even use it...

2005-04-18 [iippo]: *keeks huge* Arrr, I want a new ET-official contest already!!

2005-04-19 [toycar]: haha, i have found that this is the first ET-official one i have ever entered... :O

2005-04-19 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: *Uses huge all the time in wikis* O.O

2005-04-19 [toycar]: i use huge and pre at the same time...cause...uh, i can o.o

2005-04-20 [spiritee]: it annoys some people 'cuse huge tags throw off the layout of the page and is generally

2005-04-20 [toycar]: i only ever use it for short words.. so...all is good... o.o

2005-04-24 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I use it like as temporary welcome banners to my wikis... stuff like that... that's all.

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